The UAE has opened its Haj 2024 registration portal, the officials declared on Tuesday. The pilgrims were reminded by the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments (Awqaf) that the registration period is only open until December 21. It is important to reserve in advance because there are limited slots available.
The first group of pilgrims is anticipated to arrive in May of next year, and Saudi Arabia will host visits to the holiest sites in Islam in June.
For individuals in the UAE, Awqaf published a detailed handbook on the registration procedure:
- Download the most recent version of the Awqaf UAE mobile application.
- Select the 'Haj permit service' option after opening the app.
- Use your UAE Pass (digital ID) to log in.
- After logging in, a registration icon will show up with a set of instructions. Press the "register" button and adhere to the instructions.
- Verify that all of your personal information is correct.
Usually, only Emiratis are granted Haj visas by the UAE. The policies and procedures of their home nations must be followed by expatriates. Licenced tour operators, a list of which may be found on the website of the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowments, are typically used by pilgrims to make their journey. Operators provide all-inclusive Haj packages that cover lodging, food, transportation, and visa fees.