12th edition AIM Global 2023, the premier investment platform for global investors will begin in Abu Dhabi on May 8

08 May 2023

12th edition AIM Global 2023, the premier investment platform for global investors will begin in Abu Dhabi on May 8

The 12th Annual Investment Meeting (AIM Global 2023), the leading investment forum for international investors, has begun welcoming attendees from 170 nations. It will take place in Abu Dhabi from May 8 to May 10.

Top executives, decision-makers, senior corporate leaders, government representatives, and representatives of civil society are anticipated to attend the three-day event from across the globe. They will be coming together to discover untapped business opportunities and promote collaboration that is mutually beneficial.

With the topic "The Investment Paradigm Shift: Future Investment Opportunities To Foster Sustainable Economic Growth, Diversity, and Prosperity," the Annual Investment Meeting will be held in Abu Dhabi for the first time.

The Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development, in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technology, is sponsoring the event. The Annual Investment Meeting has a history of bringing together tens of thousands of investors from across the globe, and this year's event won't be any different.

The event will emphasise five major pillars, including startups, foreign direct investment, small and medium companies, future cities, and foreign portfolio investments, with an emphasis on creating a blueprint for the global economy.

The event this year will include a number of activities, such as workshops, exhibitions, and networking opportunities, that are intended to promote the five core pillars.

The seminars scheduled for the first day of the main conference's Investment Track include "Investing in Space to Attain the UN SDGs and Sustainability", which features a speech by Candace Johnson, chair of Seraphim Space Advisory Board and partner; "Global Economic Outlook - Beyond the Paradigm Shift, Where Next for the Investment Market," which explores the opportunities for FDI and FPI in identifying changes that will transform the global investment landscape, influencing investments with ESG and embracing all stakeholders; "Devoting FPIs Towards a Greener World," which focuses on current and future projects and initiatives towards sustainable and diverse FPIs; and "Creating Resilient Supply Chains to Enhance Growth Opportunities," which discusses the relevance of creating resilient supply chains and new infrastructure in the 21st century.

The second day will include a session that aims to look at best practices for building long-term relationships and maintaining them entitled "Bridging the Gap: Establishing Strong International Relationships and Building Trust" as well as sessions on "Digital Transformation: Integrating Innovative Technologies in FDI to Increase Value"; "Towards Investment Facilitation for Development: How a New Agreement can Help Grow FDI Flows and Prosperity," which explores how governments and companies can work together with international organisations and investment practitioners to implement the IFD Agreement and realise these benefits. 

Some of the highlights this year will be "The ASEAN Regional Focus Forum," which is under Indonesia's Chairmanship of ASEAN. With the theme "ASEAN Matters: Epicentrum of Growth", the forum will focus on strengthening ASEAN cooperation and capacity to respond to regional and global challenges. AIM will also host other forums such as "The Flow of Direct Investments to the Arab Countries of the MENA Region: Reality, Opportunities, & Challenges," which will explore investment opportunities and the ecosystem of the region.

The forum is hosted by Union of Arab Chambers, the League of Arab States, and the Investment and Technology Promotion Office in Bahrain - UNIDO. The next forum, "Regional Focus Forum - African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States," will present the results of a joint survey conducted by WAIPA and UNIDO, highlighting the most pressing challenges faced by ACP IPAs.

The forum, "Africa Regional Focus Session," organised by United Nations Economic Commission for Africa focused on the launch of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and how it served as a milestone towards creating a single continental market as set out in the African Union's Agenda 2063: The Africa We Want. 

May 10 will feature AIM Global 2023 will host the "Regional Focus Forum for Latin America and The Caribbean Productive Development in LAC: Future Strategies," organised by Inter-American Development Bank and the CAF – Development Bank of Latin America and will examine policies and strategies adopted by many LAC countries to promote productive development and diversify their economies.

The event will be followed by the "SADC Regional Focus Forum," hosted by Southern African Development Community, which will explore the paradigm shift transforming the capital markets and investment world.

AIM will also host several world-class side events on May 8. These include the "World Local Production Forum: Enhancing access to medicines and other health technologies," the "Global Credit Management & NPL Investments Forum," and the first part of the "Entrepreneurs Investment Summit".

The Russia-Middle East Forum, titled "Russia - Middle East: Cooperation for Economic Growth and People's Well-Being," will also take place on this day.

Insights and perspectives on the current status of investment prospects, market trends, and best practises in many locations will be available to delegates through these forums and side events, which will be a wonderful learning experience. Investors and business executives who want to remain on top of emerging global investment trends should not miss the Annual Investment Meeting.





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