UAE has been ranked 7th globally and 1st in the region in the EV readiness indexNews

25 Oct 2023

UAE has been ranked 7th globally and 1st in the region in the EV readiness indexNews

According to the electric vehicle (EV) readiness index, the United Arab Emirates is ranked first in the region and seventh internationally, demonstrating its dedication to sustainable mobility and its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050. The UAE has risen in the rankings from the previous year, as a result of the nation's efforts, as 82% of citizens said they would be prepared to buy an electric vehicle as their next car.

With programmes like the Dubai Green Mobility Strategy 2030, the UAE government has aggressively encouraged the use of EVs. By 2030, the plan wants about 42,000 electric vehicles to be driving throughout Dubai. The EV Green Charger project, which has greatly increased the number of charging stations in the nation, is a crucial component of this attempt. With over 700 stations at the moment, the infrastructure is always developing to handle the increasing number of electric cars.

In the Global Electric Mobility preparedness Index (GEMRIX) 2023, which was released by the international management consulting company Arthur D. Little, Norway remained the world leader in EV preparedness, but China came in close behind. Three other groups of nations are pursuing increased EV adoption after these market leaders.

Leading the pack among the burgeoning EV markets are the United Arab Emirates and Hong Kong, demonstrating their dedication to e-mobility in spite of current financial and operational obstacles. Both the development of the infrastructure and consumer adoption of electric cars (EVs) are advancing significantly in these areas.

Global EV innovation has been propelled by a flourishing startup environment and an entrepreneurial ethos. Government-led measures have resulted in an expansion in EV-charging infrastructure in the UAE, encouraging consumers to choose EVs for their next car. Additionally, the Middle East and South-East Asia, in particular the UAE, Thailand, and India, present potential markets for companies trying to establish an EV industry by introducing new electric car models and charging infrastructure options.

The survey claims that while cost-efficiency plays a major role in lower-income nations, environmental concerns are the primary motivator for the shift to electric vehicles in higher-income ones.




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