Sharjah's Expo Centre, on Sunday, October 22, will be hosting the national "Tarahhum for Gaza" (Compassion for Gaza) campaign. The Big Heart Foundation, Emirates Red Crescent Authority, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sharjah Volunteer Centre, and the Sharjah Charitable Society will all work together to perform the relief effort, which is scheduled to take place from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The campaign, which is looking for immediate donations and assistance from UAE community members, is a part of the humanitarian effort the UAE is doing in all of its towns and cities to generate money for urgently needed relief supplies for Palestinians in Gaza.
Cash donations may now be sent to the Sharjah Charitable Society via the online donation options, which now include bank transfers, credit card, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, and SMS. The public can contact the Society via phone at 80014, and it can also accept queries.