Recently, a five-day campaign against unauthorised building was launched by Abu Dhabi authorities in the residential areas of the island. Targeting landlords and renters who disregarded regulations regarding residential building areas, the campaign was spearheaded by the Abu Dhabi City Municipality.
According to a statement from the authority, all external building, including dwelling units and partitions, must be done with the proper licences and permissions. Penalties of up to Dh1 million are imposed for the serious offence of overcrowding in residential areas. When a residential unit is inhabited in a way that is excessive for its size and amenities, it is considered overcrowded according to Law No. 8 of 2019.
Local inspectors verified that building signs and dwellings were by the requirements during the most recent field inspection. Housing complexes built at random were the target. These are a collection of little rental rooms that do not have a municipal licence.
The authorities emphasised that these units and practises have an impact on the emirate in several ways, including contributing to unwarranted population expansion, altering the emirate's surroundings, and endangering public health and safety.