UAEs Ministry of Finance is seeking corporate feedback on the implementation of a global minimum tax in the country
21 Mar 2024
NewsThe Ministry of Finance (MoF) of the United Arab Emirates is looking for company input about the introduction of a global minimum tax in the nation. All interested parties are welcome to participate in the consultation, but the MoF is "particularly keen" to hear from the consultants, service providers, investors, and "global community" of international corporations doing business in the UAE.
The ministry states that submissions will assist in educating it on topics like how to minimise compliance costs, navigate policy options for potential implementation of the income inclusion rule (IIR), undertaxed profits rule (UTPR), and domestic minimum top-up tax, and domestic implementation issues, including interactions with the UAE's Corporate Tax (CT) system (DMTT). Relevant parties are required to use the ministry's website to submit their answers by April 10.