The first Emirates flights operating with sustainable aviation fuel provided by Shell Aviation takes off

07 Nov 2023

The first Emirates flights operating with sustainable aviation fuel provided by Shell Aviation takes off

The first Emirates aircraft using sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) supplied by Shell Aviation has taken off., from Dubai International Airport (DXB). Among the first flights to use SAF was Emirates' October 24 flight, EK 412, which was headed for Sydney. 315,000 gallons of mixed SAF have been provided by Shell for usage at the airline's hub in Dubai. Over the past several weeks, Emirates has been able to power several sorties thanks to this first-ever supply of SAF to the airline in Dubai.

Shell provided blended superaffinic fuel (SAF) to the DXB airport fueling system. The mix consisted of 40% neat SAF and 60% ordinary Jet A-1 fuel. At this ratio, the chemical properties are the same as those of regular jet fuel, hence no changes are needed to be made to the engines of any of Emirates' fleet's engines or the airport's current fuel system. When compared to traditional jet fuel, SAF, in its tidy state, can cut greenhouse gas emissions by up to 80% throughout its life cycle. Emirates has moreover been monitoring the supply, use, and ecological advantages of SAF using Avelia, Shell Aviation's blockchain-driven book and claim system.

In January, Emirates conducted the first demonstration flight powered exclusively by the SAF in the area. The airline has been actively pushing for standardisation and the eventual certification of 100% SAF, which is not yet authorised for widespread commercial use, in order to increase industry knowledge of SAF use in higher blends as well as its performance, safety, and dependability.

The airline started utilising SAF in 2017 on a trip from Chicago, and since then, blended SAF has been used on flights from Stockholm, Paris, Lyon, and Oslo.




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