Ten self-driving taxis will be deployed for public use in Jumeirah area of Dubai by the end of this year

07 Apr 2023

Ten self-driving taxis will be deployed for public use in Jumeirah area of Dubai by the end of this year

As per a top official at Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority (RTA), ten self-driving taxis will be deployed for public usage in the Jumeirah region by the end of this year, at prices equivalent to limo taxis.

Until the progressive deployment of 4,000 driverless taxis across Dubai by 2030, according to Khaled Al Awadhi, head of Transportation Systems, Public Transport Agency at RTA, the RTA will add more autonomous taxis in the same location next year.

"The fee is not yet set, but it will be comparable to what limo taxis in Dubai are presently charging, which are typically 30% more expensive than regular taxis. Al Awadhi made this observation in a phone interview on Wednesday night, following the RTA's announcement that US-based self-driving technology company Cruise, a subsidiary of General Motors (GM), has begun digital mapping of the Jumeirah 1 area. "The self-driving taxi can seat up to three passengers at the back, with no passenger allowed in the front," said Al Awadhi.

RTA and Cruise previously teamed up to provide autonomous taxi services in the city, making Dubai the first non-US city to commercialise Cruise's all-electric, emission-free self-driving cars. Up until 2030, Dubai will only have cruise taxis available.

The 10 self-driving taxis are Chevrolet Bolts, the same self-driving sedans that Cruise used in the Jumeirah 1 region to collect data and test technology for traffic signals, signage, and driver behaviour. It is outfitted with a variety of sensors, including radars, cameras, and LiDAR (a laser sensor that uses near-infrared light to detect the outlines of objects).

The Public Transport Agency's CEO, Ahmed Hashem Bahrozyan, had stated in a statement: "Data collecting and testing is a vital aspect in Dubai's pursuit of excellence in smart mobility and cutting-edge technology. The ongoing effort will guarantee that Cruise's cutting-edge generalisable AI and autonomous driving technologies can safely adapt to Dubai traffic circumstances.

The introduction of driverless vehicles will improve Dubai's transportation system and quality of life, he continued. The introduction of autonomous vehicles will reduce traffic jams, traffic accidents, and hazardous emissions.












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