Following Tuesday’s severe rains, Dubai's Crown Prince, Sheikh Hamdan, ordered the early payment of salary to city government employees. It has been instructed that the salaries be paid on Tuesday, April 23.
The decision includes:
- Dubai government employees
- Military personnel and military retirees
- Social assistance holders affiliated with the Dubai government.
This decision demonstrates the Crown Prince's dedication to helping workers and their families in spite of the severe weather the nation is now experiencing. The early payout is intended to support workers in meeting their family's needs and to guarantee their wellbeing for the duration of the period.
The leader thanked everyone who helped keep everyone safe and assist those in need during this difficult period by taking to X. He shared a touching video on social media that highlighted the city's people and officials working together.
The Royal had earlier authorized a number of projects and actions to quickly lessen the effects of the extreme weather in the emirate.
Sheikh Hamdan declared that Dubai is committed to helping everyone impacted by the bad weather, and he also said he will personally keep an eye on the development of the response plans. He emphasized that all citizens and residents will receive efficient support from on-the-ground teams.
After conducting a thorough assessment of the conditions in the impacted areas, the Dubai Government's on-the-ground staff have been actively working on immediate solutions to problems with the help of community volunteers.