The inaugural Sharjah Animation Conference (SAC) will be held at Sharjah's cultural centre, according to the Sharjah Book Authority (SBA). The conference, which will be held from May 3 to May 5 at the Sharjah Expo Centre, will bring together a wide spectrum of renowned publishers and award-winning animation producers from all over the world for a series of private sessions.
The exclusive meetings are intended to inform publishers about the world of selling rights for books and illustrated works to animation production companies, covering intellectual property (IP), production and distribution rights, the evaluation of potential deals, and the negotiation of licence terms. Participants will be able to take use of the variety of information and tools available to them in order to develop fruitful connections and collaborations with animation producers. Additionally, they will be able to take their titles and publications to new and elevated levels of promotion.
Publishers will benefit from the conference's fantastic roster of worldwide producers, who have achieved a great deal in their careers and will provide them unique insight into how to take their products to new markets and forms.