Month-long initiative titled 'I have the right to cross safely' launched by Fujairah Police

20 Jan 2023

Month-long initiative titled 'I have the right to cross safely' launched by Fujairah Police

A traffic safety campaign has been announced by Fujairah Police. The month-long initiative has been titled 'I have the right to cross safely' and the police have intensified patrolling on the streets to prevent hit-and-run accidents. The campaign is being organised to achieve the strategic goal of the Ministry of Interior, aims to make roads safer and contribute to enhancing traffic awareness among all segments of the community, besides preserving the safety of pedestrians and reducing the percentage of deaths and injuries.

The campaign aims to promote safe crossing behaviour for both pedestrians and motorists. It focuses on spreading awareness about the right of pedestrians to cross safely and giving priority to elderly residents, women, children and people of determination. It includes the intensification of traffic patrols to educate and control violators and work to spread a culture of respect for pedestrian rights among In the community. It also includes raising awareness via text messages and social media and delivering educational lectures.

Colonel Saleh Muhammad Abdullah Al-Dhanhani, Director of the Traffic and Patrols Department, stressed the importance of enhancing cooperation between motorists and pedestrians, which contributes to reducing run-over accidents caused by speeding, reckless driving, and preoccupation with other things than the road by vehicle drivers as well as pedestrians. He urged the drivers to be cautious and pay attention to speed limits, especially in crowded areas like markets, residential areas, and roads close to schools. Pedestrians who do not adhere to traffic signals or cross at undesignated areas will be fined Dh400, while motorists who do not give priority to pedestrians at designated crossings will be fined Dh500 and also receive 6 black points.

First Lieutenant Moza Abdulsalam Al Darmaki, Director of the Traffic Awareness and Information Branch, stressed the need for vehicle drivers to adhere to traffic laws and regulations to avoid traffic accidents that could result in loss of life and property.




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