MoHRE issued new decision detailing the procedures dealing with workplace injuries

05 Jan 2023

MoHRE issued new decision detailing the procedures dealing with workplace injuries

The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MoHRE) issued a new decision on Tuesday detailing the procedures dealing with workplace injuries. Employers in the country are now obligated to treat and compensate an injured worker for any work-related injury or illness. The resolution intends to regulate how establishments with 50 or more employees deal with workplace accidents and illnesses, and states that organisations have to develop a mechanism to track such incidents.

The decision outlines procedures for recording workplace incidents in a database. This system should keep track of all work-related illnesses and injuries, as well as any preventive measures and rehabilitation programmes implemented for employees involved in hazardous activities. It should also define all activities that pose a threat to the health and safety of workers.

An employer is obligated to treat and compensate an injured worker for any work-related illness or injury. The value of the work injury compensation is calculated based on the worker's most recent basic salary. The worker receives compensation after the release of the medical report indicating the percentage of impairment within a maximum of 10 days.

If the work injury or illness results in the worker’s death, the compensation is paid to his or her legal heirs in accordance with the country’s laws, or in accordance with what the person decides before passing away. The worker will be compensated with a portion of the value of permanent complete disability, if a worker sustains a partial disability as a result of an occupational illness, or injury, in accordance with the percentages outlined in the Cabinet Resolution No. 33 of 2022.

A specialised medical committee will decide whether there is a complete or partial disability in both circumstances, and the amount of compensation due to the worker in the event of a permanent complete disability is equal to the amount due in the event of death. The employer shall not end the working relationship and cancel the contract before the injured or ill worker receives all benefits, 

Additionally, all rights will be safeguarded in accordance with the report provided by the relevant committee if the employee decides to terminate the employment agreement prior to the release of the medical report.


Ways to report accidents

The ministry offers a number of ways to report any occupational ailment or accident, including calling the call centre at (600) 590-000, visiting businessmen service centres, or through the ministry's smart applications.

This procedure is under the purview of the employer, who is obliged to input information about the company, the injured employee, the date and severity of the injury, a brief account of the accident’s circumstances, and first aid and treatment protocols. The report is automatically included in the national system for work injuries.

The resolution also clarifies that the affected establishments must find ways to develop a report from the medical committees indicating the percentage of disability in the event of injury, provide a record of the frequency and dates of workers’ examinations, keep a record of workers exposed to occupational hazards for a period of at least five years after the end of their service, and provide the worker with proof of their period of employment in the establishment.




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