The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) tweeted on Friday that as of January 15, the minimum top-up for a Nol card will be Dh20. Nol cards may now be topped with at least Dh5. In the meanwhile, travellers should have enough money on their Nol cards (Dh15) to pay for one round-trip ride on the Metro system.
The Nol card is a prepaid smart card that may be used to pay for buses, trams, waterbuses and the Dubai Metro, among other forms of public transportation. In addition, it may be used to cover parking costs, taxi fees, admission to public parks in Dubai, the Etihad Museum, and a host of over 2,000 eateries, retail establishments, and shops around the city.
Any RTA ticket vending machine, solar top-up machine, and Nol Pay app (for virtual cards) may be used to top off Nol cards. For owners of Nol cards, RTA also offers Nol Plus, a loyalty and rewards scheme. Every time a member uses their Nol card to pay for parking, public transport, taxi prices or Dubai Metro, they get points and get exclusive advantages. The loyalty points that commuters accrue can be used to top off their Nol accounts or to receive discounts at certain restaurants or stores while dining out.