A member of the Federal National Council (FNC) has suggested that certain working moms should be permitted to work from home. Working moms with children under the age of ten should be given the option, according to Maryam Majid bin Thaniah. "Minors under the age of ten require their mother's care and attention," she stated while presenting her suggestion to Ohood bint Khalfan Al Roumi, Minister of State for Government Development and the Future. Mothers who look for elderly parents or children with special needs may also benefit from the possibility of working remotely through a system.
Additionally, she suggested a schedule that would allow moms to work remotely from home during the second half of the day and at an office during the first.The workload for female employees who provide care for special groups has grown as a result of the recent changes made to the working hours of federal authorities.
Because of its adaptable legislative and administrative framework, the UAE was able to show remarkable flexibility during the Covid-19 epidemic, putting it at the forefront of the global adoption of remote work. Ohood bint Khalfan Al Roumi responded to the suggestion by highlighting the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources' efforts to offer all workers, especially working moms taking care of particular groups, a flexible and appropriate work environment. She underlined a number of policies and guidelines that facilitate work flexibility, such as Federal Decree Law No. (49) of 2022's provisions for part-time, temporary, flexible, and full-time job patterns.
Al Roumi also cited the acceptance of a weekly work system that would have limited working days to four and a half days and given control over remote work and flexible work schedules. She emphasised the issuance of Circular No. (2) of 2022, which permitted employees of the federal government to work remotely on Fridays, as well as the executive regulations of the Federal Government's Human Resources Law, which included provisions assisting working mothers with regard to leave and patient accompaniment.
Al Roumi further underlined the UAE Cabinet No. (27) of 2020 authorised remote work policy for federal government employees, which offers flexibility and assistance without sacrificing workers' rights or productivity.