Festive march in Khorfakkan organised by Sharjah Police
28 Nov 2022
News Sarjah Police Natonal Day Celebrations Khorfakkan 51st National Day
As part of the Ministry of Interior's celebrations of the 51st National Day of the United Arab Emirates, the Sharjah Police organised a festive march in the city of Khorfakkan on Saturday afternoon.
The festive march started in front of the Khorfakkan Corniche beginning with a show by the military infantry group. This included students from the Academy of Police Sciences. Their demonstration was accompanied by the academy's police band.
It was followed by various vehicles of the Sharjah Police, which are equipped with the best modern systems to carry out police and security work. The vehicles included motorcycles, four-wheel drive vehicles, traffic vehicles, special mission vehicles, ambulances, crime scene vehicles, and others.
The Emirates Knights planes also flew over the eastern coast of Khorfakkan, putting on an air show with artistic formations to form a picture in the colours of the UAE flag.