Dubai Police announced earlier in July on X, that since the start of July, it had confiscated 640 e-scooters due to reckless driving and violation of the law. Riders of e-scooters need to possess a driver's licence issued by the Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA). However, a licence is not required to use an e-scooter on bike paths or pavements. It's important to note that you won't require the extra permission if you already possess a complete driving, motorbike, or international driving licence.
These are the main guidelines to go by when driving a scooter in Dubai. You may access a comprehensive list of the most recent scooter laws and regulations on the RTA website:
In order to use e-scooter, riders must apply for a permit. You can apply to the RTA website.
- One person per e-scooter, aged 16 and above
- Steer clear of careless driving that endangers other people.
- Put on a reflective jacket and a helmet.
- Avoid carrying anything or anybody that might tip over an e-scooter.
- Stay out of dedicated or shared lanes when using e-scooters.
- Maintain a safe distance from motorcycles, people, and other e-scooters.
- Observe posted speed restrictions, which are often between 15 and 20 kph.
- While using an e-scooter at a pedestrian crossing, dismount it.
-Observe traffic laws and any warning signs posted on the rails.
If you break the restrictions, you risk fines of Dhs 300 and in certain situations, even having your e-scooter taken away.
The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) of Dubai forbade the usage of scooters on the Dubai Metro on Friday, March 1, 2024.
Two of the four operators that have been given permission to oversee Dubai's e-scooter rental sector are presumably well-known to you: Arnab and Skurrt are local, along with Tier and Lime.
All operate by scanning a QR code that is written on the scooter itself and is distributed across the region; to make things easier, download the app from the provider of your choice. Simply scan, unlock, and proceed.