Dubai-wide ban on single-use bags, including both plastic and paper, will come into effect in less than three months

29 Mar 2024

Dubai-wide ban on single-use bags, including both plastic and paper, will come into effect in less than three months

In less than three months, paper and plastic single-use bags will be prohibited throughout the entire city of Dubai. Beginning at the beginning of this year, the emirate required businesses to charge single-use plastic bags 25 fil. Retail establishments in Dubai are required to provide free alternatives, but as of June 1st, all single-use bags will be prohibited.

Shoppers are urged to bring their own reusable carriers, and the guideline covers single-use bags for carrying products. The Dubai Municipality stated that biodegradable bags are among the prohibited ones in an awareness guide that it released on Thursday.

Among the bags that are exempted from the policy are:

Bread bags.

Bags used for products packaged online.

Trash bin liners.

Wrapping bags for vegetables, meats, fish, and chicken.

Laundry bags.

Electronic device bags.

Garbage bags.

Grain bags.

"There has to be dedicated recycling facilities for biodegradable bags. As stated in the guidance by the municipality, "microplastics, or small plastic particles, can enter the food chain if they are dumped in landfills and eaten by animals."

Should you violate the policy, you will be subject to a Dh200 fine. The fine is capped at Dh2,000 and will double if the offense is committed again. The Department of Economy and Tourism in Dubai has asked customers to report any problematic establishments.

The guide addresses significant inquiries regarding the prohibition that businesses and customers may have, and it is accessible online in both Arabic and English, according to the municipality. Moreover, it provides advice on being more sustainable as well as eco-friendly substitutes for plastic.



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