The renowned Filipino seafood restaurant, well-known for its "boodle fight" eating experience, has finally reopened after being forced to close on Tuesday, August 15, 2023, due to a fire. Dampa Seafood Grill has reopened for business as of the New Year. The Deira restaurant, well-known for its amazing seafood and laid-back ambiance, just underwent a significant six-month renovation.
The menu of Dampa Seafood Grill is stuffed with every kind of seafood, including full-grilled squid, baked mussels, and entertaining dishes like the fresh and delectable "gangstah lobstah." One of the main draws therefore is to see so much seafood on our table to eat with our own hands, enjoying the beautiful mess.
Daily: from noon-11.30pm
Location: Baniyas Road, Deira
For updates: @dampaseafoodgrill