Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) plans to install an automatic passenger counting (APC) technology in new buses to prevent fare evasion. Actual passenger counts are recorded by the system and compared to the automated fare collection.
The current Dubai bus system permits riders to board with them having to tap their Nol cards while entering and exiting the bus. Nonetheless, there have been cases where travellers have neglected to complete it. If discovered, commuters in Dubai would be fined Dh200 for not paying their bus fees.
The APC system will be installed in the 636 new buses—40 electric, 146 articulated and double-decker buses for high-density regions, and 450 city service buses—that will be introduced this year and the next year.
Raqeeb, a driver behaviour monitoring system that will assist drivers behave better and increase passenger safety, will also be installed on the majority of the buses. A driver identity authentication that is connected to the operating system will also be present.
Passengers getting on and off the bus will be counted and monitored by the APC system. As the passengers walk through the entryway, the counting sensors will identify them quickly and precisely. Real-time data comparing the number of passengers on the bus to the number of commuters who tapped their Nol cards and paid the fare may be obtained through the solution. In addition to ensuring that fees are collected, the counting method may be used to determine the demand for passengers and the best times and routes to place buses.