Arbor School in Dubai installed a 6,000-litre tank of B20 biodiesel on campus for its fleet of 20 buses

07 Dec 2023

Arbor School in Dubai installed a 6,000-litre tank of B20 biodiesel on campus for its fleet of 20 buses

The Arbour School in Dubai takes steps toward a greener future by erecting a 6,000-liter B20 biodiesel tank for its fleet of 20 buses on campus in cooperation with the STS Group and biodiesel distributor Neutral Fuels.

At Arbour School, which is recognised for emphasising "eco-literacy, sustainability, and environmental justice," all those in attendance applauded the transition from 100 percent fossil fuel to B20, which consists of 20 percent biodiesel and 80 percent fossil diesel. According to Anthony Dixon, co-founder of The Alliance of Sustainable Schools (TASS), this modification would reduce the school's yearly carbon footprint by forty tonnes. If this was implemented in all UAE schools, the annual carbon footprint of school transportation could be cut down by about 9,000 tonnes.

In the United Arab Emirates, school buses already produce an astounding 156,000 tonnes of CO2 annually. An annual reduction of 26,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions could be reached if all UAE schools switched from fossil fuel to B20 biodiesel, and even more with a higher blend of biodiesel, according to Dixon.

Arbour School's principal, Brett Givern, credited the school's partnership with environmental consulting firm Metanoia, together with TASS and Neutral Fuels, for the initiative's success. He stressed how crucial it is to create networks in order to enable such transformations. Givern emphasised the school's dedication to reducing its carbon footprint in a number of areas, such as facilities, food, clothing, and now gasoline. In order to lower CO2 and pollutant emissions, the school practises water conservation, maintains a farm on campus, and wears eco-friendly clothes. 

At Arbour School, students take an active part in programmes aimed at improving the quality of the air surrounding the school. They contribute by riding their bikes to school, taking part in the cycle bus, and getting dropped off at the nearby mosque.




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