Abu Dhabi Judicial Department conducted lectures in labour camps; workers in Abu Dhabi have been educated about their legal rights

10 Jan 2023

Abu Dhabi Judicial Department conducted lectures in labour camps; workers in Abu Dhabi have been educated about their legal rights

The Abu Dhabi Judicial Department (ADJD) conducted lectures in labour camps in the emirate to increase legal literacy among workers, as part of its expanded outreach campaign. Thousands of workers in Abu Dhabi have been educated about their legal rights in an awareness campaign launched to educate the public about the new labour law.

The following are nine topics which were identified as areas to be covered in the awareness campaign:

1. Workers' right to health insurance 

2. Mandatory unemployment insurance

3. Verifying and cross-checking terms and conditions of signed job offer with employment contract

4. Signing contract after arrival in the country (Contracts must be translated into a language the worker can understand, and the employer must bear recruitment, travel expenses)

5. What to do if salary is not paid on time

6. Right to leave the job

7. How to lodge complaints through legal channels

8. Avoiding resorting to chaos and rioting

9. Respecting the law while expressing dissatisfaction

The campaign also seeks to raise awareness of the worker's obligations under the new labour law. The work must be performed by the worker himself under the direction and supervision of the employer or his representative after the employment contract has been signed. Occupational safety and health instructions must be followed and the worker must take care of any tools he uses.

Work cannot be subcontracted to another person. Workers were also asked not to keep documents relevant to the work in paper or electronic form, to maintain good conduct, to refrain from disclosing professional secrets, and to work to raise their level of performance.

The campaign also covers how to change employers and obtain a new work permit.




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