A meticulously crafted replica of the Golden Qur'an is being displayed at Sharjah International Book Festival

03 Nov 2023

A meticulously crafted replica of the Golden Qur'an is being displayed at Sharjah International Book Festival

The Sharjah International Book Festival is featuring a finely produced replica of the Golden Qur'an, which has become the focal point of the festival, in an exquisite showcase of Islamic history. The masterpiece of Ibn al-Bawwab, a well-known Persian scribe and illuminator from the early 11th century, this exhibit is a rare reproduction of an original manuscript from the 11th or 12th century. There are only 10 copies of the original manuscript, which is a restricted edition, kept at the Bavarian State Library in Munich. At the occasion is the replica, one of just 300 produced with the precise dimensions, design, and aesthetic appeal of the historic codex.

"This Qur'an is a true work of art, featuring holy text inscribed in black Naskh cursive writing on gold-coated paper." As per the exhibitor Florian Strulz, representing Adeva Rare Collectibles. "The manuscript has decorations that go beyond fanciness and is unique in the world of manuscript art." The verses are gracefully separated by rosettes in blue and silver and elaborate floral and arabesque designs, all written in blue, white, and reddish-brown script for each surah (chapter) heading. The Arabic letter 'alif' is used as the unit of scale for determining the letter sizes, which are based on mathematical concepts. the Arabic letter that appears initially and serves as the model for the subsequent letters' sizes, according to Strulz.

The original Qur'an, composed of hues such as white, brown, red, and black, came from Iraq or Iran during the Seljuk Turk era and was transcribed by the expert hands of Ibn al-Bawwab.

According to Strulz, "the vertical letters, which are thoughtfully arranged and exhibit a distinct style characteristic of the Ibn al-Bawwab school," are slightly slanted to the left.

The unusual arrangement of the opening page's two surah titles, according to Strulz, "makes this Qur'an a distinctive piece of art."

The extended Arabic letter "seen" lends a hint of the school's distinctive style to this uncommon and cherished Qur'an in the 'bismillah', the Arabic phrase translating to 'In the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most compassionate'.




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